Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Japan day 6

Its a big day! The day of the festival that all have been working hard for ... well, I could see the excitement in some faces and the stress in others .... but seeing the practice of the day before, everyone is so well equipped and will definitely pull on a great show. It was an impressive event. Set in the city hall ... auditorium style and the place just filled up with audience.

First up was the aikido demonstrations. Groups from around the world demonstrated various techniques. And finally, it was the Malaysian's turn. Lyn Lyn and Alfred put on a great show. I must say that it is one of the best, if not THE best performance. They were young, impressive, their moves were fast and they seems so gentle yet nimble. And what made it more interesting was the 'impromptu attack'. They staged a real life attack and how aikido could be used ... brilliant!

Then of course there were tai chi demonstrations. It too was a beautiful art. So graceful and I always see it as one of China's most prized possesion. Many a great personality is built from the philosophy of tai chi.

Then came the musical performances. Something that kept me waiting for so long. There was Japanese singings, latin American performances, guitars playing etc. And finally, I get to witness the performance that they have all been talking about. A duet, piano by Juliette and flute by Adam. Though I heard them at practice before, this time is so much difference. There is the stage presence and for once, both of them didn't break out laughing in between the piece. Music is just so magical. Then Adam did a solo piece on the piano ... it was beautiful. Again, there was the difference of listening to it right beside the piano and the sounds of it in a big auditorium. hmm , first time I've seen a 'performance' as such and I'm impressed! Congrats guys!! So many people (including me) loved the performance.

Then there was the certificate presentation ceremony. I felt so proud for Adam, Lyn Lyn and Alfred. All the hard work that was put in is now being recognized. And what is most important is the mark that you have made within yourself. Congrats for achieving thus far!!

The Katori demonstrations were up next. And it is really amazing. I love taking videos at the front row, thus getting the perfect view. I loved the sword performance .... action at its best. And perhaps with a little bit of imagination and music in the back ground, you can help but be amazed at the performance. The Malaysian team put up yet another spectacular performance. It was fast and kept you at the edge of your seats.

A good event I would say. We had demonstrations of karate, taekwondo, and many more ........ and what better way to end the festival with a party of food, fun and fellowship? Though everyone was tired, the hall was full of happy people ... all chatting away, snapping photos and exchanging numbers. I must say that I made some pretty good friends too. Thats the fun part about international festivals like this.

It was CNY reunion dinner back home. The night was still young as we bade our farewells. Went for a short drinks, more chat and laughs ....... and you can see hat though everyone was worn out, there was a sense of satisfaction in the air. All stresses gone, we had another 2 fun filled days to look forward for.

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