Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mixture of cultures

Its was my first time .... and interesting too .. an Indian wedding. Too bad I couldn't make it for the official ceremony in the temple. Would have been an eye opener. But just the dinner itself was unique.

It was held in this community hall. where only about 30 tables could be seated. But the cute thing about it is that after the people had their buffet dinner, they just left! And new people came, sat and ate, then left. Only to be replaced by new people again. Interesting right?

Dinner was ok ... but entertainment was good. They blasted Indian music in the hall. Which I liked, cos the base was thumping and it will certainly be a good background for an Indian themed disco party. Ooh ... and they employed 1 dancer. Only 1 ... who danced to fast music only Where did he get the energy from? He dance vigourously for 5 minutes, rested a while, then danced again .... haha salute him.

The most interesting is the main entrance. They had a figurine of a god and also a very bright kolam (colored rice art). It was so pretty and inviting ... ooh! I love these traditional stuff.

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